The Effect of Using Musical Activities to Promote Basic Mathematics Skills from Early Childhood
Music activities, Basic math skills, Early childhoodAbstract
Background and Aims: The rational thinking process is an important mathematics skill. Mathematics helps you think logically, and systematically can think carefully and analyze problems or situations. It can also be applied effectively in daily life. Integrating mathematics with music is another good way to learn math skills in early childhood. The purpose of the research is 1) to compare the basic mathematics skills before and after school early childhood learning with music activities to enhance basic mathematics skills. 2) To study the satisfaction of early childhood with music activities to enhance basic mathematical skills.
Methodology: The study sample consisted of 25 early childhood. The tools used consisted of 1) 9 music activities to enhance basic mathematical skills. 2) Basic math skills test before and after class. 3) Questionnaire on the satisfaction of early childhood with music activities to enhance basic mathematical skills. Statistics used in data analysis include mean and standard deviation. Test the research hypothesis using the t-test for dependent statistics.
Results: The results of the study found that Preschool children have higher basic mathematical skills after learning than before learning with music activities to enhance basic mathematical skills. Statistically significant at the .05 level. Early childhood are satisfied with music activities that enhance basic mathematical skills. There is an overall mean of 4.79 with a standard deviation of 0.10, classified as having the highest level of satisfaction.
Conclusion: The results of the study indicate that using music activities to enhance basic mathematical skills can help develop basic mathematical skills in early childhood. The results of the study indicate that using music activities to enhance basic mathematical skills can help develop basic mathematical skills in early childhood. Notice that the average score after studying increased more than before studying. Early childhood are satisfied with music activities that enhance basic mathematical skills.
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