Confirmatory Factor Analysis in Behavioral Science and Social Science Research
Confirmatory Factor Analysis; , Behavioral Science and Social Science ResearchAbstract
Background and Aims: Confirmatory Factor Analysis is a widely used statistical method in the research of behavioral science, and social science, it aims to explore and identify common factors that can explain the relationship between observed variables.
Methodology: This study is a literature review study related to the study of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The content analysis was conducted and the descriptive presentation was presented according to the important issues.
Results: The result is to reduce the observed variables by creating new ones with common factors. In behavioral science and social science research, confirmatory factor analysis is used to confirm a measurement model with empirical data, where the researcher has a theory, and a measurement model, and knows in advance how many factors formed from variables. This information will be taken from the review of related literature, theories, documents, and research. A clear conceptual framework will be defined. A measurement model will be created with known names and numbers of factors and variables. Relationships between factors and observed variables or indicators are determined in advance before proceeding with data analysis of measurement models, such as transformational leadership, instructional leadership, strategic leadership, visionary leadership, innovative leadership, educational leadership, ethical leadership, creative leadership, and transcendental leadership.
Conclusion: The findings highlight the importance of confirmatory factor analysis in behavioral and social science research, in which predefined measurement models based on theory and literature are validated using empirical data. This process clarifies the relationships between leadership types and observed variables, ensuring that the conceptual framework accurately represents the underlying factors.
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