Guidelines for Empowerment for School Administrators under Nong Khai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
Professional advancement, Team building, Motivation, Delegation, Decision-making participationAbstract
Background and Objectives: After the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone had to adapt to a new lifestyle or "New Normal". This adjustment aimed to ensure safety for students, teachers, and educational staff while maintaining work satisfaction. The study focuses on empowerment strategies for school administrators in Nong Khai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, aiming to enhance the quality and effectiveness of school operations. The objectives are: 1) to study the empowerment of school administrators in this region, and 2) to propose strategies for enhancing their empowerment.
Methodology: This descriptive research involved 271 administrators and teachers, with sample size determined by Krejcie and Morgan’s table and stratified random sampling. Phase 1 involved quantitative data collection using a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.993. Statistical analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and ranking of needs. Phase 2 involved qualitative data collection through semi-structured questionnaires and interviews with 5 experts, analyzed using content analysis and descriptive methods.
Findings: The study found that the current state, desired state, and needs for empowerment among administrators were generally high. The highest mean scores were for decision-making participation, while the lowest were for professional advancement. The desired state also showed the highest mean scores in decision-making participation and the lowest in professional advancement. The modified PNI scores ranged from 0.287 to 0.355, with the highest needs being professional advancement, team building, motivation, delegation, and decision-making participation.
Conclusions: The findings suggest significant empowerment strategies for school administrators in Nong Khai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Recommendations include: Promoting continuous professional development, Building effective teams, Encouraging and Recognizing achievements, Delegating responsibilities and Granting autonomy, and Involving teachers in educational planning and problem-solving.
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