The Effectiveness of The Crime Prevention and Suppression Policy of Metropolitan Police Division 2, Bangkok Metropolitan
Effectiveness, Crime prevention and suppression, Metropolitan PoliceAbstract
Background and Aims: Crime suppression and prevention play a critical role in improving public safety by lowering the frequency of criminal activity and creating a safe environment for communities. By reducing the financial and social costs of crime, such as court cases, jail time, and rehabilitation, these policies also conserve resources. The research aimed to 1) study the effectiveness of the crime prevention and suppression policy of Metropolitan Police Division 2, Bangkok, 2) analyze the factors affecting the effectiveness of the crime prevention and suppression policy of Metropolitan Police Division 2, Bangkok, and 3) propose guidelines for developing the effectiveness of the crime prevention and suppression policy of Metropolitan Police Division 2, Bangkok.
Methodology: This paper uses a mixed research method consisting of quantitative research with data collection using questionnaires from 400 officers using Taro Yamane's (1973) sample size calculation formula, and qualitative research with data collection by interviewing 11 key informants using purposive selection. Data collection instruments were questionnaires and interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis.
Results: The research results found that: (1) The effectiveness level of the 10 crime prevention and suppression policies was found to be at a high level overall. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average value was materials and equipment, followed by management processes, organizational culture, personnel at a high level, information technology, budget at a high level, strategic planning, cross-functional teams, and evaluation at a medium level, and the aspect with the lowest average value was modern police leadership. (2) The results of the analysis of the factors affecting the effectiveness of the crime prevention and suppression policies of Metropolitan Police Division 2, Bangkok It was found that there were 5 important factors in predicting the results: personnel (X1), management process (X3), organizational culture (X6), evaluation (X9), and modern police leadership (X10). The coefficient of prediction (R2) was 0.74, which could predict 74 percent of the results. (3) Recommendations for developing effectiveness In terms of effectiveness according to the mission, the creation of organizational culture should be increased to volunteers and the public involved in crime prevention in order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the work. In terms of service quality, the public and volunteers should receive training in providing services together with personnel in order to increase modern work and create greater satisfaction for the public. In terms of organizational development, there should be support for continuous learning in the use of technology because information technology is changing rapidly.
Conclusion: According to the research, materials and equipment are the most effective components of crime prevention and suppression policies, which have a high overall effectiveness. It also identifies important predictors that contribute to a 74% prediction accuracy for policy effectiveness, such as staff, management procedures, organizational culture, assessment, and contemporary police leadership. The recommendations center on strengthening organizational culture, enlisting volunteers and the public in crime prevention, enhancing service quality through training, and encouraging ongoing education in the use of technology.
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