Organizational Management and Organizational Culture that Affect the Effectiveness of Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Pathum Thani Province
Organizational management and organizational culture, Organizational effectiveness, Subdistrict administrative organizationAbstract
Background and Aims: Effective resource allocation, goal setting, and achievement are made possible by organizational management, which is essential to the success of the organization as a whole. Organizational culture improves performance and retention by creating a happy work environment, increasing employee engagement, and coordinating behavior with the goals and values of the business. The research aims to 1) study the level of organizational management and organizational culture of sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province, 2) study the factors of organizational management and organizational culture that affect the effectiveness of the management of sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province, and 3) propose guidelines for developing the efficiency of the management of sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province.
Methodology: The sample group used in the research was 400 people aged 18 years and over living in the area of sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province, obtained by using the Taro Yamane (Yamane. 1973: 725) sampling formula and simple random sampling. The qualitative data were collected by using a specific group of 11 informants. The research instruments were a 5-level rating scale questionnaire and an interview form. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient. Multiple regression analysis.
Results: The research results found that (1) The level of organizational management and organizational culture of sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province was at a high level overall. When considering each aspect from highest to lowest, they were: coordination Command and control, planning, organization, and control, respectively. (2) The 13 organizational management and organizational culture factors that affect the effectiveness of the management of sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province (Y) overall, regardless of the statistical significance of the variables, found that the coefficient of prediction was low (R2) equal to 0.177 or could predict only 17.7 percent, with statistical significance Sig. = 0.96, which is greater than .05, and there was high variability of data within and between groups, F = 76.6. (3) Suggestions for developing the efficiency of the management of sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province The executives should have regular meetings between related agencies to create understanding and effective coordination. There should be a budget to support volunteers who join the work in various aspects, including public health, occupation, and economy.
Conclusion: The study found that organizational management and culture are generally high in sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province, with the strongest characteristics being coordination and command. However, these variables only have a 17.7% predictive ability when it comes to management effectiveness. Among the suggestions are funding for volunteers in a variety of industries and improving interagency meetings for better coordination.
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