The Developing Guidelines for Preventing Drug Problems among Monks in Nongkhai Province
Monk; , Drugs;, Guidelines for SolvingAbstract
Background and Aims: The health promotion project for monks in Nong Khai Province included health screening and problem-solving for monks' health issues. A significant health problem identified was the presence of drugs in the urine of monks, highlighting the prevalence of drug use among this influential group in Nong Khai Province. This research aimed to develop guidelines to prevent drug problems among monks in Nong Khai Province.
Methodology: This participatory action research was conducted in three phases: Phase 1 involved studying the context of drug problem prevention among monks through documentary and qualitative research. Phase 2 focused on developing guidelines for preventing drug problems among monks. This qualitative research included a workshop with 50 participants, including district and provincial drug officials, monk representatives, and district abbots from all nine districts.
Phase 3 evaluated the expected outcomes of the prevention guidelines through quantitative research with a sample of 376 abbots.
Results: Phase 1 synthesized a draft of guidelines for preventing drug problems among monks in Nong Khai Province, covering five key issues. Phase 2 refined these guidelines through workshop feedback, adding a screening activity for individuals before ordination. The final guidelines included six main activities: 1) Screening monks for drug use. 2) Screening individuals before ordination as monks or novices. 3) Providing rehabilitation therapy for monks and novices who test positive for drugs, with family and community participation. 4) Conducting educational activities for police monks (Phravinayadhikara) to monitor drug issues among monks. 5) Establishing drug-free temples. 6) Appointing a committee to prevent drug problems among monks in Nong Khai Province. Phase 3 used regression analysis to evaluate the expected outcomes of the prevention guidelines. It was found that the number of years of ordination and the district were significant factors influencing the expected effectiveness of the guidelines, explaining 7.10% of the variance (standard deviation ± 0.466) with the equation: 𝑌= 4.320 – 0.007 (number of years of monkhood) + 0.145 (district).
Conclusion: Participation from monks, the government, the private sector, the community, and families is crucial in promoting the implementation of drug prevention guidelines for monks in Nong Khai Province. The six identified activities form a comprehensive approach to addressing drug problems among monks.
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