The Development Guidelines for Coaching and Mentoring Skills of School Administrators under the Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area 2
Development Guidelines, Coaching and Mentoring Skills, School AdministratorsAbstract
Background and Aims: Administrators at all levels are responsible for coaching their subordinates to achieve success in their work. When administrators shift from traditional teaching methods to coaching or mentoring, they can unlock the potential of their subordinates in terms of knowledge, various skills, and desired characteristics as specified. Therefore, this research aims to study the current desirable state and the priority need for coaching and mentoring skills of school administrators under the Maha Sarakham primary educational service area 2 and to study the development guidelines for coaching and mentoring skills of school administrators under the Maha Sarakham primary educational service area 2.
Methodology: The research process was divided into 2 phases: Phase 1; to study the current, desirable state and priority need index of coaching and mentoring skills of school administrators. The sample group of 306 were 140 school administrators and 166 teachers by stratified random sampling). The research tool was a questionnaire, with a reliability of 0.94 and a discrimination power of 0.31 – 0.82. The statistics used for data analysis were mean and standard deviation. Phase 2; to study the development guidelines for coaching and mentoring skills of school administrators. The Key Informant groups include 6 experts for studying the development guidelines and 7 experts for evaluating guidelines. The research instruments were interview form and evaluate form the suitability and feasibility.
Results: 1. The current state overall was high average and the desirable state overall was in the highest level. The priority needs ranked from high to low level were 1) Listening skills 2) Questioning skills 3) Reflective skills 4) Human skills 5) Trust skills. 2. The development guidelines for coaching and mentoring skills of school administrators under the Maha Sarakham primary educational service area 2 was 18 guidelines as follows: 1) Listening skills were 4 guidelines 2) Questioning skills were 3 guidelines 3) Reflective skills were 3 guidelines 4) Human skills was 4 guidelines 5) Trust skills was 4 guidelines. The results of evaluating the suitability and feasibility of the overall approach were at the highest level.
Conclusion: The coaching and mentoring skills of school administrators, specifically within the Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, involve the ability to guide, teach, and provide advice to assist, advise, and support teachers and staff. This is achieved through various processes and activities aimed at improving performance so that teachers and staff understand how to perform their roles and behaviors effectively. The goal is to enhance the knowledge, skills, and behaviors of teachers and staff to achieve set objectives and advance professionally. The skills required include Listening skills, Questioning skills, Reflective skills, Human skills, and Trust skills.
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