Efficiency of Management of Moral Teaching in Schools under the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 1
Efficiency of Management; , Moral Teaching in Schools; , Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 1Abstract
Background and Aims: It is imperative that morality be taught in schools in order to help students develop their social responsibility and ethical reasoning, which will enable them to make morally sound decisions. Additionally, it fosters a supportive school community and culture by promoting polite and caring interactions between students. Thus, the purposes of this research are 1) to study the general conditions in the efficiency of managing moral teaching in schools, 2) to study factors affecting the efficiency of managing moral teaching in schools, and 3) to present the efficiency development process. The management of moral teaching in schools under the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1.
Methodology: This paper is mixed methods research. The target sample group of informants was divided into key informants in the interview. And experts participated in group discussions, a total of 15 people and 251 respondents. The research tools were interviews, group discussions, and questionnaires.
Results: (1) The Morality Teaching Project in schools under the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1 currently receives funding from the government sector. Through the office of the moral teaching monk Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, the executive committee of the Center for the Administration of Moral Teaching in the School has been established. To jointly consider management The budget is sufficient for the management of the Phra Teaching Morality Operation Center. Arrange a consideration meeting Management budget and a summary meeting to explain the use of each year's budget. Most of the budget is a regular budget. That is, the payment is 2,500 baht per month for Nittayapat fees. (2) Results of the analysis of factors affecting the efficiency of managing moral teaching in schools, preparing the project plan in advance. Have good planning There is clear, to-the-point communication that goes into depth on every issue. There were no errors in communication or clarification of operations in each step of the project. Must have network connection There is participation of all parties involved. There must be participation of participants in the project. And (3) The process of developing the efficiency of managing the teaching of morality in schools. It was found that the presentation of the process of developing the efficiency of managing the teaching of morality in schools under the Office of the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 1 must rely on the Buddhist principles for management that everyone has mentioned in the beginning, namely the 7 principles of Sappurisadhamma for maximum efficiency in project implementation.
Conclusion: The Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 1 Morality Teaching Project has strong government funding and organized administration, which guarantees effective execution. To maximize the project's success in teaching morality in schools, effective planning, clear communication, and adherence to Buddhist principles such as the 7 Sappurisadhamma are necessary.
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