The Effects of Project Approach Learning Experienced Provision With Graphic Organizers on Responsible Decision-Making Skills in Young Children


  • Piyaphat Sawisai Graduate student, Major Early Childhood Education, Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Thailand
  • Piyannan Hirunchalothorn Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Chalatip Samahito Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand



Project approach ; , graphic organizers; , responsible decision-making; , young children


Background and Aims: Responsible decision-making is one component in promoting social and emotional learning. They are important in early childhood because they promote children’s awareness of their own emotions as well as those of others, improve children’s ability to deal with emotions and build good relationships, help them learn to think and make decisions for themselves, and teach them to be socially responsible; all of these skills will help them achieve academic success and improve their ability to be a valuable part of society improve their future job prospects. This research aimed to study the results of organizing learning experiences using a project approach with graphic organizers to improve responsible decision-making skills.

Methodology: The sample group consisted of 10 preschool children, both male and female,

aged 5-6 years, who were studying in kindergarten year 2/1 in, semester 2 of the academic year 2023, at Wat Tha Kham School, Bang Khun Thian District Office, Bangkok. The research tools consisted of 1) two project approach plans with graphic organizers, and 2) an observation form on the responsible decision-making behavior of young children. Quantitative data analysis was performed using average standard deviation, and qualitative data were analyzed via content and descriptive analysis.

Results: The research results showed that children who learned through a project approach combined with graphic organizers had a higher mean score in responsible decision-making skills after the experiment than before. The aspect with the highest average was acceptance and responsibility for one's actions, followed by selection and predicting results of actions of their own, respectively. From observing behaviors that show responsible decision-making in young

children, it was found that in phase 1, in weeks 1-4, children began to accept and take responsibility for their actions. However, they still chose to make their own decisions and could only slightly predict the results of their actions. During phase 2, in weeks 4-8 children learned

to accept and take responsibility for their actions and make appropriate decisions and they were able to predict the results of their actions.

Conclusion: Providing a project approach with graphic organizers is a process that encourages children to take action, search for information themselves, develop guidelines, plan, and evaluate situations. Being able to think and decide from a variety of options, results in responsible decisions for oneself and the public, these are important skills that will lead children to be quality members of society in the future.


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How to Cite

Sawisai, P. ., Hirunchalothorn , P. ., & Samahito, C. . (2025). The Effects of Project Approach Learning Experienced Provision With Graphic Organizers on Responsible Decision-Making Skills in Young Children. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 5(1), 1–18.