Development of a Program to Promote the Ability to Organize Teaching and Learning at the Lower Secondary Level for Monks Teaching Morality
Morality teaching monks, Ability promotion program, Learning managementAbstract
Background and Aims: n-school morality teaching monks are part of the important mission of academic services that aim to be a center for providing academic services in Buddhism with quality, standards, and results in children and youth having true knowledge of Buddhism and morality. The objectives of this research are: 1) to develop a program to promote the ability to manage teaching and learning and 2) to study the results of using the program to promote the ability to manage teaching and learning at the lower secondary level for morality teaching monks.
Methodology: The research and development process is divided into 2 phases: Phase 1: To study the basic information and development of a program to promote teaching and learning ability and Phase 2: To experiment with the program to promote the ability to organize teaching and learning among sample groups in Phase 1, including the sample groups used in Phase 1 of the research to study basic information. The sample group consisted of moral teaching monks under the Buriram Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The sample size was determined according to the Krejcie and Morgan table of 214 monks and the sample group used in the interviews, numbering 20 people, was obtained by purposive sampling. The sample group was used in phase 2 of the research to test the program, numbering 30 people. The tools used to collect data include questionnaires, interviews, conformity and suitability assessments, tests, and satisfaction questionnaires. Statistics for data analysis include percentages, means, standard deviations, and t-test dependent statistics.
Results: The results of the research found that 1) The present condition and the need to increase the learning management ability of morality teaching monks are at a moderate level, with the need to enhance competency, namely self-study and workshops. The program to increase the learning management ability of the moral monks consists of 5 components: (1) principles of the program (2) aims of the program (3) content and activities of the program (4) formats and activities used in the program, and (5) measurement and evaluation. 2) The program evaluation results found that it was appropriate. It has the highest level of usefulness and feasibility in every aspect. 3) Results of using the developed program. The test scores for learning management knowledge after development were significantly higher than before development at the .01 level. The level of competency in learning management after participating in the development program was at the highest level, and was at the highest level of satisfaction in participating in the program. Conclusion: The present condition and the need to increase the learning management ability of morality teaching monks are at a moderate level, with the need to enhance competency, namely self-study and workshops. Those who receive development have knowledge in learning management. After development was significantly higher than before development at the .01 level. There was a level of competency in learning management. at the highest level and were at the highest level of satisfaction in participating in the program
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