Mediation of Civil Disputes in the Community Using the Alternative Justice Process by Adhering to the Rule of Law and Participation Principle
Alternative Justice Process, Civil Dispute MediationAbstract
Background and Aims: The need to settle disagreements outside of courtroom proceedings gives rise to alternative justice procedures. The spirit of the aforementioned law, which is the application of mediation, compromise, or the out-of-court arbitration system to achieve justice, impacts mediation. Put an end to or settle conflicts among community members. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to 1) examine the features and elements of mediation in community-based regional disputes under the alternative justice process founded on the rule of law and the principle of participation; and 2) identify strategies for promoting community-based civil dispute mediation following the alternative justice process founded on the rule of law and the principle of participation to raise awareness and understanding, including public acceptance of the community.
Methodology: This research examines community-based civil dispute mediation. It's the study of fundamentals. The alternative justice system's past Community justice concept formulation and the restorative justice process Administration of the Public Sector Dispute Mediation Center following good governance standards, particularly the participation and rule of law.
Results: This study discovered that by depending on the rule of law and the principles of community participation, public sector dispute mediation is required to uphold the principles of equality, human rights, and law. It is a crucial tool for the Civil Sector Dispute Mediation Center's alternative justice process promotion. Capable of executing tasks in compliance with the Dispute Mediation Act 2019 efficiently. The public and the law's spirit both support the idea that using alternative justice procedures can prevent disputes before they start and lessen conflict in the community, which benefits everyone involved—the justice system, society, and individuals.
Conclusion: Through community involvement and adherence to the Dispute Mediation Act 2019, this study emphasizes the significance of public sector dispute mediation in promoting equality, human rights, and legal compliance. It seeks to avoid disagreements and minimize conflicts by implementing alternative justice practices, which will benefit the legal system, society, and people in general.
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