Developing Community Participation in Promoting the Health Care Behavior of the Elderly in Hot District Chiang Mai Province
Developing Community Participation; , Promoting the Health care Behavior; , ElderlyAbstract
Background and Aims: The research on community involvement in promoting health care behaviors among the elderly in Hod District, Chiang Mai Province, aimed to achieve the following objectives: 1) To study health care behaviors among the elderly in Hod District, Chiang Mai Province; 2) To develop a community-involved model for elderly health care in Hod District, Chiang Mai Province; and 3) To assess the effectiveness of the community-involved model for elderly health care in Hod District, Chiang Mai Province.
Methodology: The population used in the study consisted of elderly residents in Hod district, Chiang Mai province, totaling 8,101 individuals as of November 9, 2023. Due to the impractically large size of the population for comprehensive data collection, researchers employed social science research methodologies to sample the population. Using Taro Yamane's formula (1973: 886-887) with a 95% confidence level, a sample size of 382 individuals was determined to be appropriate. The sampling technique utilized was Multi-state Random Sampling. Key informants, who are stakeholders in elderly community health care, were selected purposively through Purposive Random Sampling. These informants included community leaders, health volunteers, local administrators, and village committee members, totaling 30 individuals (5 from each of 6 villages). Evaluation of the effectiveness of the caregiving model for all elderly in the community involved a sample of 180 individuals. This group comprised elderly individuals themselves, community leaders, relevant officials, and other stakeholders.
Resuls: The study found that (1) the elderly have a high level of knowledge and awareness regarding health promotion, particularly in understanding the benefits of health-promoting behaviors. However, they exhibit minimal awareness regarding the disadvantages of certain health-promoting behaviors, such as smoking cessation, leading to socialization issues within peer groups. Additionally, the elderly show a high level of self-awareness regarding the causes of mosquito-borne diseases like dengue fever and Japanese encephalitis. Social support for the elderly was perceived to be highly effective, particularly in receiving necessary vaccination advice and knowledge about proper waste disposal. More than half of the elderly surveyed adhered to healthcare behavior principles. (2) The development of a community-involved model for elderly health care in Hod District, Chiang Mai Province, emphasizes community participation, including 1) Health promotion and disease prevention through community-based activities and knowledge dissemination; 2) Primary health care services within the community; 3) Comprehensive health care rehabilitation services; and 4) Policies aimed at promoting elderly health care behaviors. And (3) The effectiveness of the community-engaged elderly health care development model in Hod district, Chiang Mai province, showed strong performance across all evaluated categories. Category 1, which assesses the effectiveness in disseminating knowledge about health promotion, received a high score with an average of 4.11. Category 2, evaluating the effectiveness of the healthcare behavior promotion model, achieved an average score of 3.84. Category 3, focusing on the effectiveness of community-engaged initiatives in promoting healthcare behaviors among the elderly, scored an average of 3.83. Category 4, concerning appropriateness and consistency, achieved an average score of 3.75. Overall, the model demonstrated high suitability with an overall average score of 3.91.
Conclusion: The study discovered that although older adults are aware of health-promoting behaviors and strategies for preventing disease, they are less aware of the social costs associated with making some behavioral changes, such as quitting smoking. Furthermore, senior health care has advanced in the Hod District of Chiang Mai Province thanks to a community-based model. It received a high score in both behavior promotion and knowledge dissemination, totaling 3.91 for suitability.
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