Administration of the School’s Student Support System under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2
Student support system, School administrationAbstract
Background and Aims: The student support system is a process in school education management. This is a measure to take care of students and prevent them from dropping out of the education system. According to the policy of the Ministry of Education and the focus of the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 on safety, learners, teachers, educational personnel, and educational institutions. To provide students with educational opportunities With the administration model of the student care and assistance system of the Office of the Basic Education Commission. The research results were found that. 1) Administration of the student support system of educational institutions Under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2, overall and on each side, was at a high level. 2) The result of a comparative analysis of opinions about the administration of the student support system of educational institutions Under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2, according to the opinions of teachers Classified by educational qualification Work experience, and school size.
Methodology: The sample group used in the research was teachers in educational institutions Under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2 Academic Year 2022 and using a stratified sampling method. By using Cohen's ready-made table (Cohen, Manion, and Morrison, 2011), a total of 365 people. The research tool was a questionnaire about the administration of the student care and support system of educational institutions. under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 2, a total of 54 items passed the confidence analysis. (Reliability) of the questionnaire using the alpha coefficient method (α = Coefficient) according to the (Cronbach) method received a score equal to .993 Data were analyzed using a packaged program. The statistics used in the research were basic statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and Scheffé's method.
Results: 1) Administration of the student support system of educational institutions Under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2, overall and on each side, was at a high level. 2) The result of a comparative analysis of opinions about the administration of the student support system of educational institutions Under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2, according to the opinions of teachers Classified by educational qualification Work experience, and school size, It was found that. 2.1) the administration of the student support system of educational institutes Under the Office of Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area, Region 2 according to teachers' opinions classified by educational qualifications as a whole and in different areas. 2.2) The administration of the student support system of educational institutions Under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2, according to the opinions of teachers Classified by work experience Overall each aspect is different. statistically significant at the .05 level except screening students and student forwarding no difference. 2.3) The administration of the student support system of educational institutions Under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2, according to the opinions of teachers Classified by the size of educational institutes as a whole, and each aspect was not different. Except for knowing students individually, they were different in statistical significance at the .05 level.
Conclusion: The Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2, which is in charge of the school's student support system, has effectively organized detailed plans and manuals to enhance teacher comprehension and student development. They ensure a methodical approach to student care and behavior modification through advisor coordination and parent participation.
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