The Relationship between Health Literacy and Preventive Behaviors Against Particulate Matter (PM 2.5) Among Undergraduate Students at Ramkhamhaeng University
Health Literacy, Disease Prevention Behaviors, PM 2.5Abstract
Background and Aims: Exposure to or inhalation of particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less (PM2.5) can spread into the respiratory tract, and bloodstream, and penetrate various organs in the body, affecting health both acutely and chronically. Moreover, it can cause various diseases such as respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc. Therefore, this research aims to study the relationship between health literacy and preventive behaviors against particulate matter (PM2.5) among undergraduate students at Ramkhamhaeng University.
Methodology: The study included 295 undergraduate students who were enrolled at Ramkhamhaeng University until the second semester of the academic year 2022. This research is quantitative, using questionnaires to collect data, which include general demographic characteristics, and health literacy in preventing PM2.5 in six aspects: 1) access to health information and services, 2) knowledge and understanding, 3) communication skills, 4) self-management skills, 5) decision-making skills, and 6) media literacy. The data were analyzed using statistics to find a frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and hypotheses were tested using Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.
Results: The research results showed that health literacy and preventive behaviors against PM2.5 among undergraduate students at Ramkhamhaeng University were at a moderate level, with media literacy skills having the highest average. Additionally, there was a statistically significant positive correlation at the .01 level between health literacy and preventive behaviors against PM2.5. Therefore, activities that promote health literacy in preventing PM2.5 should be organized to help students apply this knowledge to change their daily behaviors, reducing the incidence of chronic diseases and premature death.
Conclusion: The study discovered that Ramkhamhaeng University undergraduates have moderate levels of health literacy and preventive behaviors against PM2.5, with media literacy being the strongest factor. Promoting health literacy activities is crucial to assisting students in adopting healthier habits and lowering their risk of chronic illness, as there is a strong positive correlation between health literacy and preventive behaviors.
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