Guidelines for Promoting Music Education for Secondary School under the Office of Samut Prakan Secondary Education Service Area
Guidelines for promoting educational management, Music Education Management, Music ClassroomAbstract
Background and Aims: Music education in secondary schools in Thailand at present is linked to the 2008 Basic Education Core Curriculum, in which music is included in the Arts curriculum. Since the study time is determined by the curriculum structure, there is not enough time to fully develop the learners. The conditions and problems of music education are not responsive to the regulations, laws, and policies of the country. In order to promote music education, the Ministry of Education has created a project of music classrooms and manuals as a standard criterion for music education. For these reasons, this research aims to 1) study the conditions and problems of music education in secondary schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area of Samut Prakan, and 2) analyze and propose guidelines for promoting music education for secondary schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area of Samut Prakan.
Methodology: This research is qualitative research. The researcher used in-depth interviews with key informants, namely, school administrators and teachers, totaling 8 people. The researcher used a purposive sampling method. The researcher interviewed the informants until saturated and sufficient data were obtained, constant and certain.
Results: (1) Conditions and problems in music education management in secondary schools are divided into 6 areas as follows: 1) Buildings and facilities 2) Equipment 3) Teachers 4) Students 5) Curriculum 6) Budget. (2) Guidelines for promoting music education management for secondary schools are divided into 5 areas as follows: Buildings and facilities Equipment Teachers Students Curriculum, which should be promoted in all areas of education management so that students can develop to their full potential.
Conclusion: Guidelines for promoting music education for secondary schools under the Office of the Samut Prakan Secondary Education Area found 5 approaches: Buildings: Buildings for music practice Soundproof rooms, air-conditioned rooms, facilities, safety for teachers and students Equipment: Thai and international musical instruments of sufficient quality for students, books, textbooks, and sheet music for students to research and create inspiration Teachers: Teachers who teach in their major subjects, provide self-development training Students: Presentation of work, promotion of further music education at a higher level Curriculum: Designing a music curriculum separate from art subjects, organizing teaching and learning activities
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