Perceived Organizational Support and Self-efficacy that Affect Innovative Work Behavior of Employees of Public Universities in the Three Southern Border Provinces
Perceived Organizational Support, Self-Efficacy, Innovative Work Behavior, University EmployeesAbstract
Background and Aims: Innovation is a crucial driving force for organizational development. Universities, as centers for knowledge production and dissemination, must foster innovative behavior among their personnel to develop the organization and achieve strategic goals. This translation captures the key points about the importance of innovation in organizational development, especially in the context of universities as knowledge centers, and the need to promote innovative behavior among staff to achieve strategic objectives. The purposes of this study are (1) to examine the perception of support from organizations that affects the innovative behavior of state university employees in three provinces in the southern border region, and (2) to examine the self-perception that influences the innovative behavior of state university employees in the same three provinces.
Methodology: Data was collected through questionnaires from 404 state university employees, consisting of 160 academic staff and 244 support staff. Data analysis using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis to test hypotheses.
Results: The research findings revealed that the perception of support from organizations significantly affects the innovative behavior of state university employees in the southern border region at a statistical level of .05. Additionally, self-perception was found to have a significant influence on the innovative behavior of state university employees in the same region at a statistical level of .05.
Conclusion: This research provides an understanding of the process of perceiving organizational support and self-perception. Furthermore, it can serve as a guideline for developing educational personnel in state universities, fostering sustainable innovative behavior that contributes to a learning organization.
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