The Study of Needs of Liberal Arts Program in Tourism and Recreation, Thailand National Sports University Si Sa Ket Campus
Stakeholder; , Tourism and Recreation program; , Thailand National Sports University.Abstract
Background and Aims: The Tourism and Recreation program aims to produce graduates who are experts in the tourism business, have leadership in recreational activities, and possess foreign language skills relevant to their professions. The graduates were able to apply their knowledge to benefit the society. This research aimed to study and analyze the opinions of stakeholders of the Bachelor of Arts program in Tourism and Recreation, Thailand National Sports University, Si Sa Ket Campus.
Methodology: The sample groups included 1) 396 high school students in Sisaket Province, and an accidental sampling was utilized, 2) 28 graduates, 3) 2 employers, and 4) 2 representatives from public and private sectors, and a purposive sampling was applied. The total sample size comprised 428 participants. The research tools included 1) a questionnaire on the desire to pursue further studies, 2) a satisfaction questionnaire for graduates, and 3) an interview form for employers and government agencies. The statistics of the study were Percentage, Mean, Standard deviation, and Content analysis.
Results: 1) The factors with the greatest influence on the decision to pursue further studies were facility factors, followed by public relations, university image, and study costs. 2) The graduates were most satisfied with the teaching and learning, followed by the availability of useful information resources for graduates, and the curriculum. 3) The graduates had well-rounded individuals in their assigned tasks. They could communicate well in English, had good interpersonal skills, had proper etiquette, were willingness to help colleagues, had respect for superiors, and were punctuality.
Conclusion: The Bachelor of Arts program in Tourism and Recreation, Thailand National Sports University Si Sa Ket Campus, had information on the factors influencing the decision-making of high school students in Sisaket province to pursue further studies, as well as the opinions of graduates, employers, and recommendations from government and private organizations in the tourism and recreation industry. This could be used to plan for the development and improvement of the program's quality.
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