Educational Disparity in the Digital Age
Disparity, Education, Digital AgeAbstract
Background and Aims: Understanding and addressing the growing gaps in access to high-quality education brought on by socioeconomic factors requires a study of educational disparity in the digital age. This information supports the development of interventions and policies that guarantee all students, regardless of background, have equal access to education. This paper aims to analyze the Educational Disparity in the Digital Age
Methodology: This study is a study of related academic documents and is presented descriptively according to the study objectives.
Results: Education disparity refers to inequality in the quality and standards of education management. This issue is emphasized in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, Buddhist Era 2540 and 2550, as well as the National Education Act, Buddhist Era 2542, and the National Education Development Plan, Buddhist Era 2560-2579. However, it must be acknowledged that educational parity has not yet been achieved as intended, and educational disparities persist in today's society. During the shift to a new lifestyle in the digital age, with online learning, economic and social disparities directly impact learners. This was evident during COVID-19 when children from affluent families could study uninterrupted at home, with access to modern information technology. In contrast, disadvantaged children face difficulties accessing educational technology and communication tools, perpetuating educational inequality in society.
Conclusion: Thai constitutional provisions and national education policies continue to address the persistent issue of education disparity, which highlights inequality in educational standards and quality. True educational parity is still unachieved despite these efforts, and this is particularly evident now that online learning has become the norm in the digital age. Educational inequality is perpetuated when affluent children struggle while disadvantaged children have unrestricted access to educational technology, as demonstrated by the COVID-19 pandemic and other economic and social disparities.
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