The Concept of Transitioning to Digital for School Management
School Management, Digital Age, Management ConceptsAbstract
Background and Aims: The administration of educational institutions in the digital era involves integrating technology into schools to create engaging learning environments and innovative learning methods for both students and teachers. School administrators are key figures in managing education. Effective educational management must consider the institution's direction, personnel development, and acceptance of change. This article aims to study the concept of educational institution administration in the digital age.
Methodology: This article is a documentary study and uses content analysis to analyze data.
Results: In the digital era, school administrators must ensure that teachers and staff accept technology, innovations, and change, then adapt behaviors and develop students' digital competencies. Education in the digital age requires designing learning activities systematically using digital media, with new forms of assessment aligned with the changing global context. Teachers must possess the skills to utilize diverse media and technology and create a learning-friendly environment. Thus, educational management must adapt and transform to develop guidelines and enhance students' learning and essential future skills, leading the country toward change.
Conclusion: School administrators need to take the lead in implementing new ideas and technology in the digital age to make sure teachers and students acquire the necessary digital skills. Preparing students for upcoming challenges and global changes entails developing adaptive educational environments, employing diverse media, and designing systematic learning activities.
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