The Concept of Restoring Learning Loss in the Digital Age
Restoring, Learning, DigitalAbstract
Background and Aims: The integration of digital technology into education necessitates the creation of strategies and methods to effectively address and mitigate the impact of learning loss in the digital era. Therefore, this study aims to study the concept of reviving the learning recession in the digital age.
Methodology: In this study, academic documents are analyzed, goals are set in accordance with learning objectives, content analysis techniques are applied, and descriptive data is presented.
Results: Employing learning theories that emphasize engagement and experiential learning, remediation efforts focus on evaluating students' learning outcomes to identify their individual needs and tailor curricula to their abilities and interests. The use of digital tools such as online learning, digital teaching platforms, and artificial intelligence applications facilitates the creation of flexible and effective learning environments. Enhancing the technological skills of teachers and educational staff is also a critical strategy for improving teaching effectiveness in the digital age. Furthermore, providing psychological and social support to students is crucial for boosting their motivation to learn. Equally important is the development of life skills and social skills needed for living in the digital era. Creating varied learning environments and encouraging the involvement of parents and communities can further promote effective learning.
Conclusion: In conclusion, addressing learning loss in the digital age requires the application of appropriate learning and teaching theories, the utilization of technology, and support from all stakeholders to ensure students receive a quality education and develop the skills necessary to thrive in the digital era.
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