Needs for Further Studying in the Doctor of Business Administration Program at Nakhonratchasima College
Needs for further studying, Learning and teaching, Doctoral program, Private educational institutionsAbstract
Background and Objectives: Higher education is the heart of manpower production and development, creates advanced research and innovation, and is the source of knowledge for national development; in developing a new curriculum that is in line with higher education standards, it is necessary to take into account the needs of those who want to continue their education so that those who want to continue their education can gain knowledge and experience from studying that can be applied in practice; including the faculty that organizes studies in the doctoral program, they can use the available resources most efficiently and to benefit those who wish to continue their studies. Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying the needs of studying in the Doctor of Business Administration program of Nakhonratchasima College to use the information obtained to plan the development of the curriculum to be in line with the needs of the students. Therefore, the research objectives were: (1) to study the opinion levels of factors affecting the decision to further study in the Doctor of Business Administration program at Nakhonratchasima College; and (2) to study the relationship between factors affecting the decision to further study in the Doctor of Business Administration program and the needs for further studying in the Doctor of Business Administration program at Nakhonratchasima College.
Methodology: This was the quantitative research. The sample group was the 400 people living in Nakhon Ratchasima Province who hold a master's degree and used the simple random sampling method. The research instrument was the questionnaires. The Data analysis statistics were the mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient, and present data in the form of tables, explanations, and summaries of research results.
Results:: The opinions on the factors affecting the decision to further study in the Doctor of Philosophy program of the private educational institutions in Nakhon Ratchasima Province found the overall was at a high level; When considering each aspect found: the aspect of opinions of students' expectations was at the highest level, followed by the aspect of educational institution location, the aspect of institution's public relations channels to acknowledge the opening of the course, the aspect of faculty members qualifications, and the aspect of study duration, respectively. The factors of student expectations and the location of the educational institution had a positive relationship with the decision to further study the Doctor of Business Administration program at Nakhon Ratchasima College.
Conclusion: The results of the research show guidelines for developing the Doctor of Business Administration program that should consider student expectations, especially that the developed curriculum needs to have a variety of course content, and learners can put the knowledge gained to use, including the location of the educational institution is the important role in the decision to study in the program.
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