Development of Learning Outcomes by Using MACRO Model Close Economics Social Studies Religion and Culture for Grade 3 students at Ban Mai Sawan School under the Jurisdiction of the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area 4
Learning Outcomes, MACRO Learning Management Model, Everyday EconomicsAbstract
Background and Aims: This research aimed to enhance the learning outcomes of third-grade students in Social Studies, Religion, and Culture, focusing on the topic of "Everyday Economics," through the implementation of the MACRO learning management model at Ban Mai Sawan School, under the jurisdiction of the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office, Zone 4.
Methodology: This study employed a quantitative research approach, with a sample group of 22 third-grade students. The research instruments comprised five lesson plans, totaling 13 hours of instruction, and pre-and post-test assessments to measure academic achievement.
Results: The findings revealed that the developed lesson plans were of the highest quality (Mean = 4.90, Standard Deviation = 0.20), and there was a statistically significant improvement in students' academic achievement after the intervention at the .05 level.
Conclusion: Implementing the MACRO learning management model effectively enhanced the learning outcomes of third-grade students in Social Studies, Religion, and Culture, specifically in the area of "Everyday Economics."
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