Guidelines for Developing Operating According to The Roles and Responsibilities of School Committee under Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 5
School Committee, Development Guidelines, Operations, Roles and ResponsibilitiesAbstract
Background and Aims: The Basic Education Commission is very important to the development of educational institutions. According to the law, every educational institution must appoint a basic education committee. Effective educational administration must decentralize power to the school committees in the education area directly responsible for supervising, promoting, and supporting the business. Define the concept of educational management, strategy, vision, objectives, indicators, and development guidelines. This research objective of to 1) Study the current condition. Desired conditions and necessary needs of operations according to the roles and responsibilities of the educational committee. 2) Study guidelines for developing operations according to the roles and responsibilities of the educational committee.
Methodology: The study is divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 studies the current condition. Desired conditions and necessary needs for operating according to the roles and responsibilities of school committee. The sample consisted of 394 people, divided into 128 school directors, 133 school committee chairmen, and 133 teacher representatives. The sample was sampled using a stratified random sampling method. The tool used was a questionnaire. There is index of congruence value 0.80 - 1.00, the confidence value for the current condition is equal to 0.93, the discriminatory power value is between 0.38 - 0.82, and the confidence value for the desired condition is equal to 0.94. The discriminatory power value is between 0.36 - 0.84. Statistics used in research, it is frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and the index value for prioritizing essential needs, Phase 2, guidelines for developing operations according to the roles and responsibilities of the school board From 9 experts, the tool is an interview form and content analysis by interpreting and presenting it descriptively.
Results: The findings of this research were as follows: 1) The current conditions for operating according to the roles and responsibilities of the school committee as a whole and in each area are at a moderate level. Overall each aspect of the desired condition is at the highest level and the modified priority needs index is between 0.46 - 0.51. 2) Guidelines for developing operating according to the roles and responsibilities of school committee found 18 development guidelines: 1) Building relationships between communities and coordinating with both public and private organizations in 3 approaches: 2) Policy, development plan, and action plan 4 approaches 3) Children's rights Caring for disabled children underprivileged children and children with special abilities, 4 approaches, 4) Management of all 4 departments, 4 approaches, and 5) Operations according to this regulation and performing other tasks as assigned 3 approaches. The results of the evaluation of development approaches Carry out work according to the roles and responsibilities of the school committee. There is appropriateness and feasibility overall and in each aspect. At the highest level.
Conclusion: A school's management and achievement of the objectives set by the following key components must be carried out via an operational approach that adheres to the role and responsibilities of the school board: (1) Policy/Development Plan/Action Plan. (2) Overseeing each of the four departments. (3) Rights of children; providing care for children with disabilities; disadvantaged children; and children with exceptional abilities. (4) Establishing connections between local communities and working with both governmental and private entities. and 5) carrying out tasks as delegated and in compliance with these regulations.
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