The Development of Mathematics Instructional Model to Promote Analytical Thinking Abilities of Sixth Grade Students
Instructional Mode, Analytical Thinking, Mathematical Analytical ThinkingAbstract
Background and Aims: Developing a mathematics teaching model is especially important for students as they develop their ability to think critically and solve problems. Necessary in daily life The objectives of the research are 1) to study the conditions and problems of organizing mathematics teaching and learning. To promote the mathematical analytical thinking abilities of Grade 6 students. 2) To develop a mathematics teaching model. 3) To experiment with the teaching model.
Methodology: This research is a mixed method. The research is divided into 3 phases as follows: Phase 1. Data collection tools used questionnaires. The sample group consisted of 282 Grade 6 students and teachers who taught mathematics. Mathematics learning group, 55 people, totaling 337 people, and interviews with 9 teachers, data analyzed using PNImodified and qualitative data, Phase 2, model development using seminar methods based on 5 experts, Phase 2 3 Implementation and evaluation of the use of teaching models Statistics used in data analysis included mean values, percentages, standard deviations, and statistics (t-test).
Results: The results of the research found that: 1) problem conditions in organizing mathematics teaching and learning activities To promote mathematical analytical thinking abilities of students in Grade 6 were overall at a moderate level. And there is a condition that should be there with the need to organize activities. Overall, it is at a high level. 2) Mathematics teaching format To promote mathematical analytical thinking abilities For Grade 6 students, there are a total of 6 elements as follows: 6.1 Principles 6.2 Basic concepts, principles, and theories 6.3 Aims 6.4 Teaching and learning process 6.5 Model use 6.6 Evaluation (PORCA Model) 3) Students who learn with porca pattern Have an average score in mathematical analytical thinking ability After studying, after studying above, learning in a normal way. and overall satisfaction was at a high level.
Conclusion: According to the research, there is a high need for well-planned activities and a moderate level of success in fostering analytical thinking in Grade 6 mathematics instruction. The principles, concepts, goals, procedure, application of the model, and assessment of the suggested PORCA model greatly improve students' analytical thinking and sense of fulfillment in learning.
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