The Impact of Green Human Resource Management on Work Performance of Personnel at Rajabhat University in Thailand
Green Human Resource Management, Work Performance, Rajabhat UniversityAbstract
Background and Aims: Nowadays, human resources will be the most important and real cost. Because humans with knowledge, understanding, and technology will be an important base and advantage in production and because the present and future world will change greatly and quickly. The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the level of green human resource management of personnel at Rajabhat University in Thailand. 2) to study the level of work performance of personnel at Rajabhat University in Thailand. and 3) to study the influence of green human resource management on the work performance of personnel at Rajabhat University in Thailand.
Methodology: Quantitative research by collecting data from 320 executive committees of Rajabhat Universities in Thailand and a set of questionnaires were the research tool. Statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, multiple correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
Results: 1) overall green human resource management is at a high level. and when considering each aspect, it is at a high level in every aspect, including vision and guide of green, recruitment and selection of green personnel, training, and development of green personnel, evaluation and rewarding of green personnel, and green organization culture. 2) overall work performance is at a high level. and when considering each aspect, it is at a high level in every aspect, including quality of work, job success, value and most benefits, and satisfaction. and 3) green human resource management consists of vision and guide of green (\beta = 0.285), recruitment and selection of green personnel (\beta = 0.252), training and development of green personnel (\beta = 0.166), evaluation and rewarding of green personnel (\beta = 0.147), and green organization culture (\beta = 0.099) has a relationship and impact positively on work performance of personnel at Rajabhat University in Thailand.
Conclusion: green human resource management has a relationship and impact positive on the work performance of personnel at Rajabhat University in Thailand.
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