Causal Relationship Affecting the Strategic Performance-Based Budgeting of Local Administrative Organization in the Provinces of the Lower Northeastern Region
Knowledge Management, Transformational Leadership, Participatory Budgeting Management, Strategic Performance-Based Budgeting of Local Administrative OrganizationAbstract
Background and Aims: Currently, local government budget management offers citizens a chance to be involved in day-to-day operations. Creating community forums, drafting development plans, attending local council meetings, and providing chances for individuals or community organizations to assume collective public management responsibilities are just a few examples. Thus, this paper aims to investigate the causal of knowledge management, transformational leadership, and participatory budgeting management towards the strategic performance-based budgeting of local administrative organizations in the provinces of the lower Northeastern region. This research employed a quantitative research methodology, with 440 questionnaires responded to by staff of local administrative organizations in the provinces of the lower Northeastern region. Descriptive analysis and SEM (Structural Equation Model) were conducted using a statistical package program for data analysis.
Methodology: The results showed that 1) knowledge management has a direct positive impact on strategic performance-based budgeting but it has no significant impact on participatory budgeting management. In addition, knowledge management has an indirect positive impact on strategic performance-based budgeting through participatory budgeting management, 2) transformational leadership has a direct positive impact on strategic performance-based budgeting and also has a significant impact on participatory budgeting management. Moreover, transformational leadership has an indirect positive impact on strategic performance-based budgeting through participatory budgeting management, 3) participatory budgeting management has a direct positive impact on strategic performance-based budgeting.
Results: This research proposes an approach towards achieving a good strategic performance-based budgeting of local administrative organizations in the provinces of the lower Northeastern region. The approach is to primarily establish knowledge management, transformational leadership, and participatory budgeting management to create good strategic performance-based budgeting. This will result in a quality strategic performance-based budgeting that is correct, complete, and punctual which would finally affect the image of local administrative organization.
Conclusion: The model of causal of knowledge management, transformational leadership, and participatory budgeting management towards the strategic performance-based budgeting of local administrative organization in the provinces of the lower Northeastern region corresponds to the empirical data at a very good level (Chi square/df=1.853, P-value=0.551, RMSEA=0.034, GFI=0.901, AGFI=0.980).
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