Laws Supporting Franchise Business Operations




Laws Supporting, Franchise Business Operation


Background and Aims: Nowadays, franchises are a very popular business model for entrepreneurs who want quick growth and effective management. Franchising is the practice of operating a business in which a written contract between a party known as the "Franchisor" and another party known as the "Franchisee" is entered into use own forms, systems, procedures, and intellectual property rights, or those you have permission to grant others, to conduct business within a designated timeframe or region. Thus, the study of laws supporting franchise business operation aims to (1) investigate the concepts related to franchise business operation, and (2) explore laws related to franchise business operation.

Methodology: This study was documentary research and explored related research, analyzed and presented the results according to the research objectives. 

Results: At present, a franchise business is considered a fast-expanding business because the objectives of this kind of business are not only to expand the business and increase income, but also to reduce risks, strengthen the brand, develop skills, and create investment opportunities for people interested to be business owners. Although Thailand issues several laws to control franchise business operations including making a contract, unfair contract terms, intellectual property, consumer protection, trade competition, and laws specific to the business, Thailand does not prescribe specific laws to support franchise business operations.

Conclusion: Thailand does not provide a specific law to support franchise business operations. Therefore, for franchise businesses to operate with accuracy and fairness, as well as to act as an efficient tool in expanding business and creating success in the market, the researcher would like to propose a law specific to franchise business operations.


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How to Cite

Wiputhanupong, C. ., & Saowakon, S. . (2024). Laws Supporting Franchise Business Operations. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(6), 255–264.