The Development of a Training Curriculum on Intensive Smart Farming in Agricultural Areas for Students in Vocational Education Program for Rural Development
Development of Training Courses, Smart Farming; Refined Farming in Agricultural Areas, Vocational Education, Rural DevelopmentAbstract
Background and Aims: The agricultural sector has been the foundation of Thai people from the past to the present. With factors conducive to agriculture, the majority of the population engages in agriculture. However, farmers, especially small farmers, have limited financial resources coupled with fluctuating economic trends. Farmers do not have enough income to cover their expenses. There was a debt problem. Unable to adapt to the continuously and rapidly changing production process. These factors need to be addressed. The researcher sees a way to solve the problem by integrating academic knowledge with agricultural knowledge by applying royal science and living according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy to cope with change and be able to bring Put knowledge into practice to further your career and have a better quality of life. The objectives of this research are to 1. study basic information and needs for developing a training curriculum. 2. develop a training curriculum. 3. implement the training curriculum. 4. evaluate the training curriculum.
Methodology: This research is research and development divided into 4 phases: Phase 1 studies basic information and training needs, Phase 2 develops the training curriculum, Phase 3 implements the training curriculum, and Phase 4 evaluates the training curriculum. The sample group in Phase 1 included students from the Vocational Education for Rural Development Project. Mahasarakham College of Agriculture and Technology, 274 people, used a simple random sampling method. and the target group for interviews, 17 people, was obtained through purposive selection. Phase 2 designed and drafted the curriculum by synthesizing curriculum elements from curriculum developers. Obtain 7 important elements. Evaluate the consistency and appropriateness of the curriculum with a seminar process by referring 7 experts. Phase 3: Apply the curriculum to a sample of 30 people. Select the sample using group sampling. Phase 4: Evaluate the curriculum There were 39 trainees and experts. Data collection tools included questionnaires, interviews, and consistency and appropriateness assessment forms. Activity assessments and tests Satisfaction questionnaire Statistics for data analysis include percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
Results: This research is research and development divided into 4 phases: Phase 1 studies basic information and training needs, Phase 2 develops the training curriculum, Phase 3 implements the training curriculum, and Phase 4 evaluates the training curriculum. The sample group in Phase 1 included students from the Vocational Education for Rural Development Project. Mahasarakham College of Agriculture and Technology, 274 people, used a simple random sampling method. and the target group for interviews, 17 people, was obtained through purposive selection. Phase 2 designed and drafted the curriculum by synthesizing curriculum elements from curriculum developers. Obtain 7 important elements. Evaluate the consistency and appropriateness of the curriculum with a seminar process by referring 7 experts. Phase 3: Apply the curriculum to a sample of 30 people. Select the sample using group sampling. Phase 4: Evaluate the curriculum There were 39 trainees and experts. Data collection tools included questionnaires, interviews, and consistency and appropriateness assessment forms. Activity assessments and tests Satisfaction questionnaire Statistics for data analysis include percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
Conclusion: The overall problem situation is at a high level. and the overall need for developing a refined intelligent farming curriculum is at the highest level. By training courses on refined smart agriculture in agricultural areas. For students, the Vocational Education for Rural Development Program consists of 7 components that are consistent and appropriate. Scores from the learning outcomes test after training Trainees developed in 3 areas: knowledge, skills, attitude, and overall satisfaction with the training course was at the highest level. The training course evaluation results also confirm that the quality in every aspect is at the highest level.
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