Service quality of Nakhon Phanom Provincial Land Office, Renu Nakhon Branch




Service Quality; , Service Factors; , Convenient Government Centers; , Governance


Background and Aims: The Land Department has a role and duties related to the management of the country's land. The vision is "to be a leading organization in land rights protection, data management, mapping system using modern technology and improving service quality with good governance." The objective of this study was to study (1) the service quality level of Nakhon Phanom Provincial Land Office, Renu Nakhon Branch, and (2) service factors that affect the service quality of Nakhon Phanom Provincial Land Office, Renu Nakhon Branch.

Methodology: It is quantitative research with a sample of 384 people who applied for the service, using the method of calculating the sample size according to Taro Yamane's formula. The statistics used to analyze the data include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. Statistical significance is determined at the level of 0.05.

Results: (1) The service quality level of the Nakhon Phanom Provincial Land Office, Renu Nakhon Branch is very high. And (2) Service factors positively affect the service quality of Nakhon Phanom Provincial Land Office, Renu Nakhon Branch, statistically significant at the level of 0.05.

Conclusions: The Renu Nakhon Branch of the Nakhon Phanom Provincial Land Office provides good service. The personnel, services, technology, and location factors are critical to the overall quality of the service. Advice Classifying service recipients—such as the general public, senior citizens, people with disabilities, and monks—and creating a variety of service channels will help to improve service delivery. To ensure that there are enough employees to deliver services, the workforce should be expanded. The disabled should be considered when improving the facilities. Systems for gathering data, elderly people, and pregnant women should all be designed with the use and prompt delivery of services in mind.


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How to Cite

Jantarajit, P., Dechakhamphu , K. ., & Wised, S. . (2024). Service quality of Nakhon Phanom Provincial Land Office, Renu Nakhon Branch. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(6), 25–42.