Development of the Training Package for Preschool Teachers on Enhancing Executive Functions Skills of Young Children
Teachers Training Package;, Executive Functions Skills for the Successful Life; , Preschool Teachers;, Early ChildhoodAbstract
Background and Aims: Executive function skills are crucial and should be nurtured in young children because early experiences play an important role in establishing a strong foundation for cognitive abilities. Therefore, preschool teachers play a significant role in fostering executive function skills in early childhood, enabling them to think, act, learn, solve problems, and be happy in the future. This research aims to 1) develop the training package for preschool teachers focused on enhancing executive function skills for the successful life of young children, with an efficiency criterion of 80/80, 2) compare the knowledge and understanding of preschool teachers regarding the on enhancing executive functions skills for the successful life of young children, 3) examine the ability of preschool teachers to organize experiences that promote executive functions skills for the successful life of young children.
Methodology: The research sample included 25 kindergarten teachers in municipal schools in Mueang district, Lampang province. Research tools consisted of 1) a training package for preschool teachers on developing executive functions skills for the successful life of young children, 2) a knowledge and understanding test for preschool teachers regarding the development of executive functions skills for the successful life of young children, 3) organizing experiences ability assessment to develop the executive functions skills for the successful life of young children. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and the efficiency ratio of the training package (E1/E2).
Results: 1) The training package for preschool teachers on enhancing executive function skills for the successful life of young children was effective, with an efficiency ratio of 81.56/82.78, surpassing the predefined standard. 2) After participating in the training program, the average scores of knowledge and understanding among preschool teachers regarding the enhancement of executive function skills for the successful life of young children increased compared to those before the training. 3) Overall, preschool teachers demonstrated a high level of ability in organizing experiences to enhance executive function skills for the successful life of young children, with an average score of 4.45.
Conclusion: The training package for preschool teachers on enhancing executive function skills for the successful life of young children was effective surpassing the predefined standard. Preschool teachers demonstrated a high level of ability in organizing experiences to enhance executive function skills for the successful life of young children.
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