Synthesizing Knowledge about Organizational Politics in the Study of Organizational Behavior
Organizational Politics, Organizational Behavior, Knowledge SynthesisAbstract
Background and Aims: In public administration, organizational behavior is studied. There is one important issue which is politics in the organization. This research aims to survey and synthesize knowledge about organizational politics in organizational behavior books from 2007 - 2023.
Methodology: This research is qualitative research. It is a document research. The study was conducted according to the process of textbook research. Content analysis was used to analyze the data.
Results: The research results found that there were 22 books with topics about organizational politics. Almost every book, especially in the last 7 years, had topics about politics in organizations. This reflects the importance of studying organizational politics in organizational behavior studies. From the survey, it was possible to synthesize knowledge into 13 issues: the nature of organizations that cause organizational politics, the definition of organizational politics, issues related to organizational politics, the level of organizational politics, factors or causes that cause organizational politics, types of organizational politics and ethical criteria for political expression in organizations, strategies for using politics in organizations, political skills in organizations, results of organizational politics, suggestions in adjusting to organizational politics at the individual level, suggestions for managing organizational politics at the organizational level, and the benefits of studying organizational politics.
Conclusion: Almost every book on organizational behavior has a topic about organizational politics, especially in the last seven years, which reflects the importance of studying organizational politics in the study of organizational behavior. Both consistent and different knowledge are presented. This research is synthesized into various issues to cover and complement each other. In addition, it will be found that most of the content or examples are general and do not focus on organizations in any specific sector. Therefore, for the benefit of developing knowledge about organizational politics for public administration studies, there should be more focus on the context of public administration.
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