Apply a Learning and Innovation Platform for the Management of Agricultural Waste following a Sustainable Bio-Circular-Green Economy Model
Agricultural waste materials, High-efficiency charcoal burning stove, Innovative Learning Platform (ILP), Sustainable development, Renewable energy, Innovation communityAbstract
Background and Aims: Currently, government entities regularly explore ways to solve problems in the grassroots economy, but these efforts are still inconsistent and do not align with development objectives. It affects the sustainable development of the grassroots economy. The study team observed that agricultural waste has a direct and indirect effect on the environment's quality of life. Create a concept framework for designing and developing models based on the Learning and Innovation Platform (LIP) “Receive-Adapt-Use-Transfer” (Learning and Innovation Community, Program Management Unit on Area Based Development (PMU A)) The management of agricultural waste according to the BCG model is an example of the integration of network partners in all sectors in developing the grassroots economy for stability and sustainability.
Methodology: Participation in designing community development concepts according to the concept design of the Learning and Innovation Platform (LIP): a learning platform that uses learning by doing (Receive-Adapt-Use-Transfer) to convey knowledge on Community-Innovation-Management to promote sustainability.
Results: It was found that 1) the research team had developed an innovation model, learning program, and procedure for high-efficiency furnaces in collaboration with network partners and local specialists. Upgrading furnaces with great efficiency and temperatures over 600 °C. And creating a learning innovation platform (Learning and Innovation Platform; LIP) “Receive-Adjust-Use-Transfer” for the community, together with driving with network partners. 2) Results from using the process model and learning curriculum to develop innovative community members (Innovators) with knowledge of highly efficient biomass charcoal kilns. That answers the needs of the community and can solve the problem of smoke from burning and improve the quality of life of the charcoal-producing professional group. 30 people have the skills to analyze and select the type of raw materials to use for burning agricultural waste in the area. Value and the results have been expanded to be transferred to other communities. 3) From the analysis of social return (SROI), the value is equal to 0.67, less than the high investment cost. This is because the target group does not have basic skills in producing high-efficiency charcoal kilns.
Conclusion: The results of such research can be applied using the Learning and Innovation Platform (LIP) "Receive-Adapt-Use-Transfer" model created by the cooperation of network partners in all sectors. It is used and extended to improve the quality of life in the community and can be transferred to achieve sustainable development.
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