Lower Secondary Student Characteristics Development Model According to the Royal Policy on Education of Educational Institutions under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Maha Sarakham
Royal Policy on Education; , Model Development; , Student CharacteristicsAbstract
Background and Aims: The students who follow the lower secondary level of the Royal Policy on Education are responsible, flexible, and well-rounded due to the comprehensive approach taken in teaching. This all-encompassing growth is necessary to achieve personal fulfillment and to promote a progressive, enlightened society. This paper aims to (1) study elements, indicators, and approaches to develop lower secondary student characteristics according to the royal policy on education of educational institutions, (2) create a lower secondary student characteristics development model according to the royal policy on education for educational, (3) study outcome of implementation of the created lower secondary student characteristics development model according to the royal policy on education, And (4) evaluate the implemented lower secondary student characteristics development model. This research was hold in the area of Secondary Educational Service Area Office Maha Sarakham.
Methodology: The research was conducted according to the determined research and development process, which was divided into 4 stages. The equipment used in analyzing the collected quantitative and qualitative data in this research were 5-point rating scale surveys, 5-point rating scale evaluation forms, and scoring rubrics forms. Percentage, mean, and standard deviation were used as the research statistics.
Results: It was found that the lower secondary student characteristics according to the royal policy on education of educational institutions under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Maha Sarakham: 1) The Right Attitude Towards the Country with 4 indictors—1.1) Be knowledgeable and understanding of the Nation, 1.2) Adherence to religion, 1.3) Be loyalty to the Monarchy, and 1.4) Be generous to own family and community, 2) Stability and Morality of Life Foundation with 4 sub-indicators—2.1) Be able to tell good from bad, 2.2) Behave well and properly, 2.3) Refuse to participate in any wrong or sinful actions, and 2.4) Encourage good people in nation, 3) Employability and Career with 3 sub-indicators—3.1) Raise your children or train them to love working and being earnest to succeed, 3.2) Practice both inside and outside the class emphasizing on teamwork and career success, and 3.3) Support new graduates with career opportunities so that they could provide for self and family, and 4) Good Citizenship with 3 sub-indicators—4.1) Being a good citizen is everybody’s responsibility, 4.2) Family, educational institutions, and workplace shall give everyone opportunity to become a good citizen , and 4.3) A good citizen means “never hesitate to be helpful for the nation,” such as helping with volunteer work, community service, and charity with kindness and generosity.
Conclusion: Four main areas are prioritized in Maha Sarakham's Royal Policy on Education for Lower Secondary Students: developing a proper national attitude, maintaining stability and morality, advancing employability and career readiness, and promoting good citizenship. These qualities are intended to foster the development of intelligent, moral, diligent, and community-minded people.
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