Innovative Leadership of Administrators Affecting Personnel Management Effectiveness of Private Educational in Mueang Narathiwat, Narathiwat Province
Innovative Leadership; , Personnel Management Effectiveness; , Private Educational InstitutionsAbstract
Background and Aims: Innovative leadership is important to the management of an organization. Executives with innovative leadership will be able to set the direction of their organizations with innovative strategies. To gain an advantage in terms of competition personnel in the organization will be encouraged to cooperate and work together. Able to see goals in a creative way Able to work effectively to achieve organizational goals. Therefore, the objectives of this research are 1) to study the innovative leadership level of private educational administrators in the area of Mueang Narathiwat, Narathiwat Province 2) to study the effectiveness level of personnel management of private education in the area of Mueang Narathiwat, Narathiwat Province 3) to study the innovative leadership of administrators that affects the effectiveness of personnel management of private educational in Mueang Narathiwat, Narathiwat Province and 4) to study the level of influence of innovative leadership of administrators affecting the effectiveness of personnel management of private educational institutions In the Mueang Narathiwat, Narathiwat Province.
Methodology: This is the quantitative research. The population used in the research includes teachers, assistant teachers, and private educational institution personnel. In the area of Mueang Narathiwat District Narathiwat Province, a total of 972 people, a sample of 274 people from a total of 16 educational institutions, using the stratified sampling method. Research tools include a questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis include Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Regression Analysis.
Results: 1) Executives' level of innovative leadership The overall picture is at a high level, namely Risk management Creating an innovative organization Teamwork and participation Being creative, and Having a vision for change, respectively. 2) The level of effectiveness of personnel management of private educational institutions In the area of Mueang Narathiwat District. The overall picture is at a high level, namely Personnel development Performance evaluation Recruitment and appointment Maintenance of personnel, and Workforce planning and positioning, respectively. 3) Innovative leadership of creative executives, In terms of creating an innovative organization and risk management that affects the effectiveness of personnel management. With statistical significance at the .05 level, it can explain 56.00 percent of the variation in personnel management effectiveness. 4) The level of influence of executives' innovative leadership that affects the effectiveness of personnel management in private educational institutions. Overall, it has a positive influence. The correlation coefficient is 0.53 with statistical significance at the .05 level.
Conclusion: Research results indicate that the innovative leadership level of private educational institution administrators and the effective level of personnel management of private educational institutions. Overall each aspect was found to be at a high level. Innovative leadership of private educational institution administrators in all 5 aspects. 3 aspects affect the effectiveness of personnel management in private educational institutions: Creativity, In terms of creating an innovative organization, and Risk management, 2 aspects do not affect the effectiveness of personnel management of private educational institutions: Having a vision for change and Teamwork and participation. The level of influence of innovative leadership of administrators affects the effectiveness of personnel management of private educational institutions. Overall, it has a positive influence at a moderate level.
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