Innovative Leadership that Affects the Effectiveness of Subdistrict Administrative Organizations in Narathiwat Province
Innovative Leadership; , Skills; , Personality;, Society; , Roles; , Organizational Effectiveness;, Subdistrict Administrative Organization;, NarathiwatAbstract
Background and Aims: Studying innovative leadership that affects effectiveness in subdistrict administrative organizations in Narathiwat Province is therefore very interesting and necessary for creating organizational change, creating social and creating change in the organization's innovative leaders and followers in the local government sector and People who have a stake The objectives of this research are 1) to study innovative leadership in skills that affect the organizational effectiveness of the subdistrict administrative organization in Narathiwat Province. 2) to study innovative leadership in the personality that affects the organizational effectiveness of the administrative organization. Sub-district administrative organizations in Narathiwat province. 3) To study innovative leadership in social aspects that affect the organizational effectiveness of the sub-district administrative organizations in Narathiwat province. 4) To study innovative leadership in roles and responsibilities that affect the organizational effectiveness of the sub-district administrative organizations in Narathiwat province. Subdistrict in Narathiwat Province.
Methodology: The sample group used is Civil servant personnel government employees and regular employees under the Subdistrict Administrative Organization of Narathiwat Province, 72 locations, totaling 400 people.
Results: The results of the study found that Variables that have a positive relationship with the organizational effectiveness of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Narathiwat Province overall with statistical significance at the .01 level include skills, personality, social and role and duty with coefficients equal to 0.910, 1.873, 0.761, and 0.907 respectively, which means that the skills, personality, social, and role and duty are the factors that determine overall organizational effectiveness of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Narathiwat Province.
Conclusion: At a statistically significant level of 0.01 the study essentially concludes that skills, personality traits, social interactions, and carrying out role responsibilities are important factors in improving the organizational effectiveness of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Narathiwat Province.
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