The Development of Thai Learning Achievement on Pali-Sanskrit Loan Words in the Thai-Language of Matthayomsueksa 2 Students by Using a Concept Attainment Model with Boardgame




Pali and Sanskrit Language in the Thai Language; , Using a Concept Attainment Model;, Board Games


Background and Aims: At present, the Pali-Sanskrit language has been mixed into the Thai language more than words borrowed from other languages, and learners themselves still do not understand the differences in the language clearly. Because there is no concept of each language, the purposes of this research were to 1) compare the achievement on Bali-Sanskrit loan words in Thai languages of Matthayomsueksa 2 students before and after using a concept attainment model with boardgame. 2) study students’ opinions on Thai of Matthayomsueksa 2 students by using a concept attainment model with the board game. The sample group studies used in this study were 30 secondary from Watwainiao (PunsiriWitthaya) School Thamaka Kanchanaburi in the second semester of academic 2023. Derived from Simple random sampling. By using the classroom as a random unit.

Methodology: The instrument of this research was 1) learning Management plans by using a concept attainment model with boardgame. 2) board game. 3) achievement tests on students’ opinions towards learning by using a concept attainment model and board game. 4) questionnaires on students’ opinions towards learning by using a concept attainment model with the board game. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation (S.D), and t-test dependent samples.

Results: The research results found that 1) Thai literature achievement of Matthayomsueksa 2 students after learning by using a concept attainment model with boardgame have an average of 20. Which was higher than before studying with an average of 14.93 with statistical significance at the 0.5 level. 2) The opinions of secondary towards learning by using a concept attainment model with board games were the highest positive. When considering each aspect, it was found that Students' opinions were in the average range, most agreeing is In order: The atmosphere in organizing learning activities, followed by the benefits received from learning, and the aspect of organizing learning activities is the last. Each side has the following details.

        Atmosphere in organizing learning activities The students' opinions were included in the most agreed criteria. When considering each item in order as follows: Number 1 is that students are happy in organizing learning activities. Number 2 is that students are enthusiastic in learning activities and students liked organizing learning through concept teaching formats together with board games last.

        Benefits received from learning The students' opinions were included in the most agreed criteria. When considering each item in order as follows: Number 1 is that students have a role and participate in activities. Number 2 is that students can apply knowledge gained from learning activities. in daily life and students have more knowledge and understanding of Pali-Sanskrit words used in the Thai language in the last order.

        Organizing learning activities The students' opinions were included in the most agreed criteria. When considering each item in order as follows: Number 1 is that students are happy in organizing learning activities. Number 2 is that students are enthusiastic about learning activities and like organizing learning through concept teaching formats and board games, last in order.

Conclusion: Thai literature achievement among Matthayomsueksa 2 students significantly improved using a concept attainment model with board games, exhibiting a statistically significant increase from 14.93 to 20. Furthermore, secondary students showed a great deal of support for this method, stressing the value of positive learning environments and well-planned activities in addition to the observable advantages they experienced.


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How to Cite

Yimprasert, N. (2024). The Development of Thai Learning Achievement on Pali-Sanskrit Loan Words in the Thai-Language of Matthayomsueksa 2 Students by Using a Concept Attainment Model with Boardgame. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(4), 1003–1026.


