A Synthesis of Innovative Research to Improve English Pronunciation Skills of Basic Education Students
Research Synthesis;, English Pronunciation Skills;, InnovationAbstract
Background and Aims: Synthesizing innovative research to improve the English pronunciation skills of students at the elementary level. It is a collection of knowledge about using innovations in teaching and a variety of instructional materials to improve English pronunciation skills. In this study, the researcher has synthesized experimental research which is Quantitative Research. Therefore, it will be possible to know the characteristics of the research that result in different values of influence size. The goals of this study were to
1) investigate research characteristics on innovation to improve English pronunciation skills of students at the elementary level and 2) compare research characteristics on the influence size of research related to innovation to develop English pronunciation skills of students at the elementary level.
Methodology: The synthesized research is experimental research that was published in 30 issues between 2013 and 2022 using the Research Characteristics Record form and the Research Quality Assessment form. There was a total of 119 influence sizes obtained. The variables for research characteristics were divided into three categories: publishing and author content, research content, and research methodology.
Results: The research findings were as follows: 1) In terms of research features, (1) publishing and author content it was found that most of the research published in 2018 were researches from Chiang Mai University and Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University. The branch that produced the most was the Curriculum and Instruction branch with a total of 100–150 pages and a total of 50–100 pages excluding appendices. (2) In terms of research content, it was discovered that the research aimed to compare the most. Reading aloud concepts/theories, using two concepts/theories, and the Phonics learning management model are the most commonly used concepts/theories. (3) In terms of research methodology, it was found that most researchers had directional hypotheses with 2 assumptions, 1 dependent variable, and 1 upstream variable. Most of the samples were used in grade 1. The sample size ranged from 11 to 30 people using a purposive random sampling method using the experimental model of the group pretest-posttest design. Most of the research tools used a test and two research tools were used to find the reliability of Kuder–Richardson. The duration of the experiment was 11–20 hours. The t-test dependent statistics were used and most of the research quality assessment results had good quality scores. 2) Regarding the content of the research, it was found that 7 variables could explain the difference in the effect size: 1) research objectives, 2) concepts/theories, 3) the number of concepts/theories, 4) the learning management style, 5) the number of learning management styles, 6) teaching media, and 7) the number of teaching media in research methodology. 9 variables can explain the difference in influence size: 1) Type of hypothesis 2) Number of hypotheses 3) Sample class 4) Sample size 5) Sampling process 6) Research design experimental 7) number of tools 8) experimental period, and 9) type of statistics used.
Conclusion: Learning Management by phonics techniques results in students improved English pronunciation skills of students at the elementary level. The material and teaching equipment variable that has a high effect on student learning is the use of multimedia. or using modern media attracts interest and is appropriate for the age of the students. It will help encourage students to learn.
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