Enhancing Resilience in Depression Students Through the Practice of Metta Bhavana According to Buddhist Principles
Compassion; , Metta Bhavana; , Loving-Kindness Meditation; , ResilienceAbstract
Background and Aims: The challenges and problems that students face grow in number and size as they mature into adulthood, a time of obligations and expectations. Many students find it difficult to adjust, or they may adjust slowly, which can lead to long-term stress and eventually depression. This article therefore offers a way to prevent depression, which over time develops into depression and is found to rise annually due to sick leave taken by students who have been diagnosed and certified by specialized doctors. Instead, it practices loving-kindness meditation by Buddhist principles.
Methodology: This research is based on an analysis of linked scholarly publications. Next, utilize descriptive presentation techniques while analyzing and synthesizing the study's objectives.
Results: Following Buddhist guidelines, students can enhance their ability to recover from depression by engaging in loving-kindness meditation. These guidelines include: Before beginning the activity, set your intention, focus your attention until your mind is still, release a loving-kindness breath, center your thoughts, and humble them toward quiet for five minutes. Spread loving-kindness to yourself when you emerge from meditation, allowing happiness to arise within yourself first. Next, spread loving-kindness to all living things, enabling the happiness stream to expand widely and not just within ourselves. The act of being kind to others Similar to a brain program, meditation necessitates repeated contemplation and thought. It can aid in the development of more powerful positive traits when consistently practiced. There are three advantageous traits in this respect: (1) recognizing your advantages and strengths; (2) contentment with your life; and (3) gratitude for both the people in your life and those around you. The development of a positive outlook raises the bar for interpersonal and adaptive skills, which are the cornerstones of "The Power of Resilience."
Conclusion: By practicing loving-kindness meditation and abiding by Buddhist precepts, students can strengthen their resilience and overcome depression. Positive characteristics like self-awareness, contentment, and thankfulness are fostered by this practice, and they improve the interpersonal and adaptive abilities that are crucial for resilience.
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