The Development of Holistic Integrated Management as Local Learning Resources Center at Nam Jang, Mae Ta District, Lampang Province
Management;, Local Learning Resources Center; , Holistic IntegratedAbstract
Background and Aims: Fostering comprehensive and coordinated approaches to education and community development requires holistic integrated management. These centers can effectively address the diverse needs of learners, encourage lifelong learning, and support the general sustainability and well-being of local communities by integrating a variety of resources and services. Thus, the purposes of this research were 1) to study establishments in the community that are conducive to local learning and 2) to manage personnel in the establishments to be friendly towards local learning.
Methodology: The target group was 20 people who are local learning resources at BanKiew Subdistrict, Mae Tha Subdistrict, Na Krua Subdistrict, and Pa Tan Subdistrict, by random sampling (cluster sampling). Mixed methods consisted of Qualitative Research and Participatory Action Research (PAR). The instruments were 1) a general information questionnaire, 2) in-depth interviews, and 3) a questionnaire: Concerning the development of personnel in the workplace to be friendly to local learning. The data was analyzed by using percentage, average, and standard deviation.
Results: The results of the study were as follows: (1) Establishments in the community that facilitate local learning classified into 5 parts as follow: 1) personnel in establishments, most were women of 40-49 years old and education level lower than Mathayom 3. 2) In general information, they were a source of learning about products from the community, a source of agricultural learning and a religious place. 3) In terms of the problem was product development and 4) support from government agencies in the form of skills and career development projects in workplaces. (2) The personnel development in establishments towards local learning found that 2.1) a learning process in the establishment as a whole was at a high level. The item with the highest level was Learning from generation to generation. 2.2) personnel participation in establishments as a whole was at a moderate level. The item with the highest level was participating in providing information. 2.3) The potential to manage establishments as a whole was at a high level. The item with the highest level was recommended establishments. 2.4) The agency supported as a whole was at a high level. The highest level was to publicize it to make people in the community aware of its value. And 2.5) Integrated and holistic management of local learning resources consisting of 3 parties including the government sector, academic, and public sectors.
Conclusion: (1) Most of the establishments in the community that facilitate local learning were products from the community, agriculture, and a religious place. (2) Personnel development in establishments was as follows: 1) a learning process in the establishment was at a high level. 2) personnel participation in establishments was at a moderate level. 3)The potential to manage establishments was at a high level. 4) The agency support was at a high level. And 5) the integrated and holistic management of local learning resources consisted of 3 parties including the government sector, academic, and public sectors.
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