Factors Affecting the Performance Efficiency of Local Government Officers in Muang District, Phichit Province
Performance Efficiency; , Local Government Officer; , Phichit ProvinceAbstract
Background and Aims: Human potential development was a learning process to increase the knowledge, skills, competencies, and attitudes of personnel in the organization to work behavior efficiently and get the most out of local government organizations. This research aimed to study 1) the performance efficiency of local government officers, 2) motivation factors and hygiene factors affecting the performance efficiency of local government officers, and 3) the guidelines for increasing the performance efficiency of local government officers in Muang District, Phichit Province.
Methodology: It was mixed-method research. The samples were 219 local government officers in Muang District, Phichit Province, and 7 interviewees who are the provincial local administration chief, chief executive of the Phichit Provincial Administrative Organization, chief executive of the town municipality, and chief executive of the sub-district municipality. The data were collected using a questionnaire and statistically analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, Multiple Regression Analysis, and content analysis in qualitative analysis.
Results: 1) The performance efficiency of local government officers was high. When considering each aspect in descending order which was time, followed by quality, quantity, and costs. 2) The factors consisting of achievement, recognition, work itself, advancement, policy and administration, interpersonal relation, and security affected the performance efficiency of local government officers in Muang District, Phichit Province with a statistically significant level of .05. 3) The guidelines for increasing the performance efficiency of local government officers were clear organization management policy, responsibilities appropriate to position and abilities, and promoting connections with others in the organization for work cooperation successfully according to the goals in the same direction, including creating a feeling of security for building the confidence of local government officers to perform more efficiently.
Conclusion: The local government officers in Muang District, Phichit Province were performance efficient as time, quality, quantity, and costs were at a high level with significant contributions from achievement, recognition, work itself, advancement, policy and administration, interpersonal relation, and security, thus they had a guideline for working and improving performance according to change with increase performance to be more efficiency.
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