Electronic Portfolios (E-Portfolios) for Students in Primary School
E-Portfolios; , Students in Primary SchoolAbstract
Background and Aims: Electronic portfolios are an innovation that has been adapted to the lifestyles of modern students. This helps in improving the quality of learning and improving the learning skills of students. It is also a display of learner work that is purposefully collected to depict the student's reflections, progress, and achievement in the given content area. The purpose of this article is to present the concept of electronic portfolios, their characteristics, types, structure, electronic portfolio development process, and evaluation criteria including the benefits and limitations of electronic portfolios for students at the primary school level.
Methodology: This research used qualitative research methods with document research by collecting data from documents and research related to electronic portfolios.
Results: There are a few things to consider when using electronic portfolios in teaching 1) Students should be prepared to be familiar with using the program. 2) The number of tasks should be reduced while still maintaining the quality of the work. 3) Students should be encouraged to develop reflection skills.
Conclusion: Electronic portfolios are helpful for students to evaluate their progress and knowledge abilities, helping them to reflect on their self-reflection.
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