Promoting the use of School Curriculum under the Jurisdiction of Saraburi Primary Educational Service Office Area 2
Curriculum Using Promoting;, School CurriculumAbstract
Background and Aims: The purposes of this research are to: (1) study the level of promotion of the use of the curriculum of educational institutions under the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Office Area 2. (2) Compare the level of opinions of personnel regarding promoting the use of the curriculum in educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Office Area 2, divided by position. Size of the educational institution and work experience. (3) Study guidelines for developing and promoting the use of the curriculum of educational institutions under the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Office Area 2.
Methodology: The sample group in this research consisted of 317 personnel from educational institutions under the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Office Area 2, which were obtained from stratified random sampling. The tool used to collect data was a questionnaire with an IOC between 0.80 – 1.00. And had a reliability value of 0.91 including a structured interview. Statistics used in data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test statistic, and F-test statistic.
Results: The results of the research found that: (1) promoting the use of the curriculum in educational institutions Under the jurisdiction of the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Office Area 2, overall and each aspect is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that Promotion of the use of the curriculum in all aspects is also at a high level. (2) Comparison of promoting the use of the curriculum of educational institutions classified by position size of the educational institution and work experience found that there were no significant differences. (3) Guidelines for promoting the use of the curriculum in educational institutions. It was found that educational institutions should set guidelines for personnel to check the consistency of the curriculum. There are workshops on how to use the curriculum. Establish an academic center to support and promote the use of the curriculum. Including training in developing measurement and evaluation tools. along with continuously checking the effectiveness of the quality of the curriculum.
Conclusion: Within the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Office Area 2, the assessment found that the educational institution's commitment to the curriculum is commendable. Demonstrate a deep understanding of all dimensions of curriculum use. The analysis also highlights consistency in promoting the use of the curriculum across educational contexts, with a focus on consistent policies and supporting frameworks. To guarantee the effectiveness and maintain the quality of operations.
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