Satisfaction of Chinese tourists in Traveling on Khao San Road Bangkok
Satisfaction; , Chinese tourists; , Khaosan RoadAbstract
Background and Aims: Tourism is a crucial industry for Thailand's economy, particularly in the Khaosan Road area of Bangkok, which is a popular destination for foreign tourists, especially Chinese tourists. This research aims to 1) study the level of satisfaction of Chinese tourists towards tourism in Khaosan Road in terms of safety and security, facilities, shops, restaurants and beverages, and services, and 2) compare the satisfaction of Chinese tourists classified by personal characteristics.
Methodology: This research is a quantitative study. The sample consists of 400 Chinese tourists visiting Khaosan Road, selected using accidental sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.87. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, including t-test and One-way ANOVA.
Results: The findings reveal that 1) Chinese tourists have a high level of overall satisfaction with tourism in Khaosan Road, with the highest satisfaction in shops, restaurants, and beverages, followed by facilities, safety and security, and services, respectively. 2) Chinese tourists with different genders have statistically significant differences in satisfaction with safety and security factors, with males having higher satisfaction than females. In contrast, tourists with different ages, education levels, occupations, and average monthly incomes do not have different levels of satisfaction.
Conclusion: Entrepreneurs and relevant agencies should develop products, services, and environments to meet the diverse needs of Chinese tourists, use online channels to communicate information, and increase safety and security measures, especially for female tourists, to create satisfaction and promote sustainable tourism.
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