Guidelines for Developing the Potential of the Subdistrict Headmen’s Performance Duties of Phrom Phiram District, Phitsanulok Province
Developing Potential; , Performance Duty; , Subdistrict Headman;, Phrom Phiram DistrictAbstract
Background and Aims: Sub-district headmen were in the important position of performing duties for the people. Therefore, it was necessary to increase the potential which was able to perform according to the objectives and needs of the community based on roles as prescribed by law. The purposes of this research were to study 1) the level of role and potential of the sub-district headmen’s performance duties, 2) the factors affecting the potential of the sub-district headmen’s performance duties, and 3) the guidel,ines for developing the potential of the sub-district headmen’s performance duties of Phrom Phiram District, Phitsanulok Province.
Methodology: This research is mixed methods research. The samples were 210 people who are sub-district, headmen, assistant village headmen, and 7 interviewees who are district chief, deputy district chief, district finance and accounting officer, district agricultural extension officer, district health, and district development officer. The data were collected by employing a questionnaire and statistically analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, Multiple Regression Analysis, and content analysis in qualitative analysis.
Results: 1) The role of sub-district headmen was overall at a high level consisting of service, governing and peacekeeping, administration of justice for people, and economic and social development, also the potential of the subdistrict headmen’s performance duties was overall at a high level consisting of the attribute, skill and knowledge. 2) The factors of role consisting of governing and peacekeeping, economic and social development, administration of justice for people, and service affected the potential of the sub-district headmen’s performance duties of Phrom Phiram District, Phitsanulok Province with a statistically significant level of 0.05. 3) The guidelines for developing the potential of the sub-district headmen’s performance duties were knowledge training, especially in technology and using online media such as Facebook and LINE to change with the times and there was follow-up and evaluation to understand the criteria, processes, and procedures for performing duties to solve problems quickly, including stage sharing work experiences of sub-district headmen for developing more potential performance.
Conclusion: The role of governing and peacekeeping, economic and social development, administration of justice for people, and service affected the potential of the sub-district headmen’s performance duties of Phrom Phiram District, Phitsanulok Province, also it was necessary to increase knowledge, attribute, and skill for perform the duties of sub-district headmen with appropriate potential.
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