A Construction of a Research Skills Test for Upper Secondary School Students
Research Skills; , Skills Test; , Cutting-Off ScoresAbstract
Background and Aims: Research skills play an important role in demonstrating abilities and behaviors as regards conducting a research study as well as the use of appropriate research processes. They also possess the ability to research and seek answers to questions to create new knowledge. Should students at the basic education level be encouraged to develop research skills, this could yield effective results for their further education levels. However, the existing problem related to studies of research skills in the secondary school context seems to be a dearth of research skills test designs specific to upper-secondary school students. The primary objectives of this study are (1) to construct a research skills test for upper-secondary school students and (2) to determine the cutting-off scores used in the interpretation of the constructed test.
Methodology: The sample population consisted of 716 upper secondary school students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Nonthaburi, using a multi-stage sampling technique. Descriptive statistics were employed in the data analysis.
Results: 1) The research skills test exhibited the content validity at 0.67-1.00, the reliability at .96, the difficulty at .88-.98, and the discrimination at .28-.58. And, 2) the determination of the cutting-off scores for the consideration of the results of the research skills test was at 80 percent. The consideration was divided into two levels as follows: 2.1) Level One: the students having passed the cutting-off scores, accounting for 90.50 percent, and 2.2) Level Two: the consideration of each research skill. The results showed that the research skills of which the students had the highest scores were (1) formulating a research topic and (8) writing research reports and presenting research results. The number of students who passed the cutting-off scores of the two skills was 90.22 percent. Regarding (9) the dissemination of research and the use of research results, there was the lowest number of students who passed the cutting-off scores of this skill when compared to other skills i.e., 85.57 percent.
Conclusion: The results confirmed the quality of the constructed test and its applicability as a central tool to measure the students’ research skills to elicit the scores reflecting their current research skills. Additionally, the scores from the constructed test can be used for further investigation to help promote, expand, and develop students’ research skills.
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