The Effects of Using the MIA Learning Management Method on Reading Comprehension Ability for Prathom Suksa 6 Students
MIA Learning Management; , Reading Comprehension AbilityAbstract
Background and Aims: Reading is important, Technological progress makes people know how to always search for more knowledge to keep up with various events that occur. Reading is therefore a tool that helps readers gain knowledge and broaden their minds, especially reading for comprehension. It will help the reader to truly understand what they read but with the current problems of reading comprehension found that after reading, I didn't understand the story and was unable to capture important points from the story read. As a result, students in Prathom Suksa 6 students have reading achievement lower than the criteria set by the school and a lack of knowledge and understanding of the correct reading. The researcher was interested in using the MIA learning management method, which was a combination of activities to develop reading comprehension ability. The purposes of this research were comparisons of the effects of using the MIA learning management method on reading comprehension ability for the students in Prathom Suksa 6 students during pre-learning and post-learning.
Methodology: The research sample consisted of 41 people, Prathom Suksa 6/3 students, Wat Don Mueang School, Don Mueang District Office, Bangkok, the first semester, the academic year 2023 by Simple random sampling method. This research was experimental. It used a single-group research design, pre-test, and post-test. The research instruments were a reading comprehension lesson plan using the MIA learning management, 3 lesson plans, 2 hours per a plan and total of 6 hours; and a reading comprehension ability test in analytical reading, multiple choice, 4 choices, and 30 questions. The statistics used were arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and t-test dependent.
Results: Results appear reading comprehension score for the students in Prathom Suksa 6: pre-learning using the MIA learning management method, has the arithmetic mean was 13.66 and a standard deviation was 4.09, and post-learning using the MIA learning management, arithmetic mean was 18.95 and the standard deviation was 3.0. It can be concluded that reading comprehension ability post-learning after using the MIA learning management method is higher than pre-learning, statistically significant at the.05 level. It can be seen that the MIA learning management method has a variety of teaching activities, combining both listening and listening. Watch, speak, read, and write together all the time. Focusing on students is important. There is a group working together. Make students excited and fun with activities Create knowledge by yourself As a result, students learn to develop their abilities. In reading for increased comprehension.
Conclusion: The results show a statistically significant improvement in reading comprehension at the.05 significance level among Prathom Suksa 6 students who received instruction using the MIA learning management method. The MIA method's integrated approach, which incorporates multiple learning activities and promotes student engagement, highlights its efficacy in improving comprehension skills and enabling students to take an active role in their own reading development.
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