Creation of Motion Graphic Media on Nirat Phu Khao Thong
Media Creation; , Motion Graphics; , Nirat Phu Khao ThongAbstract
Background and Aims: Motion graphics are sound, text, animation, and still photos that have been carefully and analytically adjusted. It can persuade pupils to be more interested in the media than other media, which serves the communication goal. As a result, you must produce motion graphics content to distribute if you want students to fully comprehend the lesson. This will simplify comprehension and eliminate any ambiguity regarding the subject matter. Additionally, because the media uses engaging presentation strategies for students, it will make the content easier to understand. Thus, this research article has the following objectives; (1) To create the motion graphics media on Nirat Phu Khao Thong. (2) To evaluate the quality of the motion graphics media on Nirat Phu Khao Thong. (3) To study satisfaction with the motion graphics media on Nirat Phu Khao Thong.
Methodology: Sample groups include: Thirty students of Saint Anthony School who were randomly sampled using simple random sampling through drawing lots The research instrument is a questionnaire. Statistics used in the research include mean and standard deviation.
Results: The results of the study found that (1) Produce motion graphics media by gathering data from media and books that explain the steps involved in making motion graphics media. The study's conclusions included the need for motion graphics media animation to be quickly and clearly observable. Capable of conveying to the audience the significance of all the information and facilitating the quick assimilation of a substantial quantity of information. (2) The findings from the motion graphics media quality evaluation of Nirat Phu Khao Thong as a whole. The evaluation's findings were excellent. And (3) The degree of satisfaction with the motion graphics media in relation to Nirat Phu Khao Thong as a whole was at its peak.
Conclusion: The study's findings indicated that motion graphic media should put an emphasis on comprehension speed and clarity in order to efficiently convey a lot of information in a short amount of time. Additionally, Nirat Phu Khao Thong's motion graphics media consistently received high ratings for evaluation and satisfaction, confirming both its caliber and the satisfaction of its audience.
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