The Establishment of Participation for the Developing of Community Ecotourism Attractions in Ban Laem District Phetchaburi Province




Community Participation; , Ecotourism; , Information Awareness; , Sustainable Development


Background and Aims: Ecotourism has gained increasing interest as a form of tourism that focuses on the conservation of natural resources and the environment, as well as the participation of local communities, which is a crucial factor in the sustainable development of ecotourism. This research aimed to (1) study the level of community participation in ecotourism development in Ban Laem District, Phetchaburi Province, (2) examine personal characteristics affecting participation, and (3) investigate the relationship between awareness of ecotourism information and community participation.

Methodology: This quantitative research used a sample of 400 people from a population of 6,260 in Ban Laem District, obtained through accidental sampling. The instrument was a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.879. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, including t-tests and ANOVA.

Results: The research findings reveal that the overall level of community participation in ecotourism development is moderate. The community actively participates in identifying the causes of problems, but their involvement in other stages is at a moderate level. Furthermore, it was found that personal characteristics, such as age and occupation, significantly influence participation, while awareness of information has no statistically significant relationship with participation.

Conclusion: These findings suggest that to promote sustainable community participation in ecotourism development, it is not only essential to focus on providing information but also to raise awareness, foster a sense of responsibility, motivate, and enhance the capacity of the community. It is crucial to consider the differences in personal factors, such as age and occupation, to ensure that all sectors of the community can play appropriate roles and fully utilize their potential in ecotourism development, leading to long-term sustainability.


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How to Cite

Weerasophon, W., & Srikos, B. (2024). The Establishment of Participation for the Developing of Community Ecotourism Attractions in Ban Laem District Phetchaburi Province. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 4(4), 325–342.


