The Study of Learning Achievement and Retention in Learning Language Principles, Parts of Speech by Using Flipped Classroom for Undergraduates in Elementary Education Program, Ramkhamhaeng University
Flipped Classroom; , Learning Achievement;, Learning RetentionAbstract
Background and Aims: The purposes of this study were: 1) to compare the language learning achievement of the parts of speech before and after the instruction using the flipped classroom approach; 2) to compare the language learning retention of the parts of speech after abrupt instruction using the flipped classroom and after 2 weeks of instruction; and 3) to study the students’ satisfaction with the language learning instruction of the parts of speech using the flipped classroom approach.
Methodology: Moreover, the samples in this study were 35 students who studied in the second semester, the academic year 2023, in the Bachelor of Education program in elementary education, Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University. The research instruments were 1) the lesson plan using the flipped classroom approach, 2) the achievement test of the language principles, and 3) the form for evaluating satisfaction with the instruction using the flipped classroom approach. Data analysis by finding the mean, standard deviation, and t-test dependent.
Results: It was found that 1) the student’s achievement score after the instruction using the flipped classroom was significantly higher than before the instruction at the .05 level. 2) The retention score of the parts of speech after abrupt instruction using the flipped classroom was not significantly higher than after 2 weeks of instruction at the .05 level. 3) The mean of the students’ satisfaction toward the language learning instruction of the parts of speech using the flipped classroom approach was at a high level. Furthermore, the highest mean score was the instructional part, which was in a high level, the second highest score was the content part which was at a high level, and the lowest mean score was the assessment and evaluation which was at a high level. Consequently, it can be concluded that learning using a flipped classroom helped the bachelor’s degree students increase their language learning achievement score and retention of the parts of speech. This approach improved their knowledge searching, critical thinking, and social skills, which will be adapted to their lives in the future.
Conclusion: Consequently, it can be concluded that learning using a flipped classroom helped the bachelor’s degree students increase their language learning achievement score and retention of the parts of speech. This approach improved their knowledge searching, critical thinking, and social skills, which will be adapted to their lives in the future.
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