Academic Leadership in the 21st Century Affecting the Inclusive Education Management in Schools Under the Authority of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
Academic Leadership in the 21st Century;, Inclusive Education Management; , TeacherAbstract
Background and Aims: Academic leadership in the 21st century is a set of skills, behaviors, and practices that are important for the development of learning management in educational institutions especially the management of co-educational education for children with special needs. When administrators have academic leadership in the 21st century, it will result in being able to manage co-learning well. To either achieve the aims or objectives of the organization
The purposes of this research are as follows : (1) to study the level of academic leadership in the 21st century in schools under the Bangkok Metropolitan (2) to study the level of inclusive education management in schools under the Bangkok Metropolitan (3) to study the relationship between academic leadership in the 21st century and the level of inclusive education management in schools under the Bangkok metropolitan, and (4) to study the level of academic leadership in the 21st century affect the level of inclusive education management in schools under the Bangkok metropolitan.
Methodology: The samples in this research were 186 Special education teachers and related teachers from 158 schools in the Bangkok metropolitan, The instrument used in the research was a five-point estimation scale questionnaire with IOC Conformity between 0.60 and 1.00. The data analysis included mean and standard deviation. To test the hypothesis, this study used the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, multiple correlations, and multiple Regression Analysis-Enter Method.
Conclusion: The research results were as follows: (1) the level of academic leadership in the 21st century and the level of inclusive education management in schools under Bangkok were at a high level overall; (2) The Academic leadership in the 20th century 21 of the administrators was related to the inclusive education management in schools under the Bangkok at a statistical level of .01, with a correlation coefficient (r)= .856* (3) The Academic leadership in the 20th century 21 of the administrators that affect the level of inclusive education management; to the inclusive education management in schools under Bangkok were statistically significant at .01 by strengthening the academic leadership in the 21st century affecting the inclusive In schools under the Bangkok metropolitan at 73.50%
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